Sunday, July 26, 2009

Braai accessories at Harrods

Dear esteemed members

BIP has not really focussed on braai accessories to date and it strikes me that we really need to keep up to speed on such matters. I would be interested in your thoughts on this.

Shadfish on behalf of the BIP National Executive

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Psycho-social braaing

Dear Dreb Jr,

I would like to formally thank you for yet another fabulous BIP missive , which I unfortunately only received yesterday. I myself have been reflecting on the meaning of braais recently and have come to the conclusion that they are psycho-social cultural events. To explain how I arrived at this conclusion, I offer the following applied research case study.

During the last weekend, I spent Friday and Sunday amusing Australians. On Saturday, I spent time with my sister to take a break from amusing Australians. Part of my amusement strategy was to braai for the Australians - I did inform them about BIP, but announced that BIP membership was not open to Australians or anyone else who uses the word "barbecue" to describe braaing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kameeldoring Secrets

Howzit guys

It dawned on me the other day that i have not braaied with my friends for many a long day, so i want to have a braai on saturday afternoon somewhere nice - they are only forcasting a mild NW which goes west as we prepare the coals at about 5 pm and only 1 or 2 mm may fall - behind my house is perfect in these conditions...i have a galjoen and a fillet steak from polokwane to braai...

the last time i had a braai was in sagebrush last weekend after the kak rugby match. As the final whistle blew I said I better make a fire - my father sitting just next to me in his chair shot a few meters into the air and his head almost touched the roof "nobody told me we were going to have a braai!?!" he yelled "we haven't got any blooddy wood for christs sake!"