Friday, August 24, 2007

BIP Systemic Impact (BIPSI)

Hello Braaimeester,

I am aware that we have a confirmed BIP convention this very evening. I had rather hoped that we would strategically plan this event in order to maximise the systemic impact of this initiative within our broader aims and vision. To this effect, I would like to detail the following consideration for your persual and digestion.
  1. I feel that one area we have not investigated to date is the latent potential of our alien wood braais to become a source of biodiesel. Once this alien wood is saturated with meat fat and burnt, surely the ashes/coal could be recycled?
  2. The documentation of our BIP process to date is of some concern to me. Whereas we have strong written documentation on our processes, we lack audio-visual records. To this extent I propose that mandatory photos be included for all future BIP conventions. Suitable sound tracks accompanying our lap top slide shows could then be overlaid. 
  3. A further elision within our overall strategic approach is that of ambience. What is it that constitutes a uniquely South African braai rapport, and how can this be differentiated from world wide barbecues? My sense is that a low tech, high skill approach may provide an initial frame within which we can develop our hypotheses on this issue. 
  4. Another area that warrants some serious discussion is a cultist approach to our BIP process. It has been factually proven that the establishment of cults have earned the cult owners a significant amount of money, let alone the advancement of individual power. Are there ways in which we could develop such an approach with regard to BIP e.g. initiation process for budding accolytes, progression routes to braaimeester and perhaps even to Universal Grand FireMaster? Needless to add, a suitable financial reward process would need to be developed for the initial founders of BIP. 
  5. Last, but not least, is a consideration of a systemic approach to braaing. Here I speak of the development of braai etiquette that could form the basis for professional braai standards e.g. Placing cigarrette buts in the fire constitute sufficient grounds to strip braiimeesters of their title for a minimum period of a year etc. 
I look forward to your academic response on these theoretical paradigms and trust that you will apply appropriate leadership on the future direction of BIP.

Yours in BIP

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