Monday, July 9, 2007

Rerere: Lost braaigrid

Dear braai meester

I thank you for your frank and open missive here. From your recount, I would classify your meal as a braai (particularly when juxtaposed with the rednecks version of a braai). I too feel that our braai identity is congealing and that we are on the threshold of a brave new world that may just do away with our day jobs.

In musing on your most recent braai experience, I realise that the braai genre appears to be quite thin on the non-meat aspects of braaing. My ex-brother-in-law (actually he lived in sin and never did get married) steadfastly refuses to use tinfoil, since aluminium has been positively linked with Altheimers disease. However, whenever I have compared notes with Waldorf devotees (who by the way know a lot about vegetables and not just salads with apples and nuts in them), they use tinfoil for just about everything.

I have dabbled with the concept of a braaied vegetarian burger previously. However, now that my daughter has shown an allergic response to wheat, eggs, and dairy, my previous recipes no longer hold. I would therefore like to advance the following hypothesis:

If we assume that:
  • vegetarian food can kill you just as fast as non-vegetarian food; 
  • vegetarian food can further contribute to malnutrition as a result of most people's inability to makes veggies taste of anything; 
Then a resonable hypothesis would be:
  • The only way to eat a vegetable is if all or part of it has been braaied. 
I would therefore propose that we re-look at the ancient art of vegetable burgers (or vegetable look alike lamb chops) at one of our future BIP conventions. I appreciate your wholehearted commitment to BIP and would appreciate your leading insight on this matter.

Yours in BIP

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