Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Braaing improves your sex life

  • Do you want to improve your sex life? 
  • Do you want to improve your personal wealth? 
  • Do you want to be admired and respected by your peers? 
I’m sure we all do. In today’s technology, we all get bombarded with spam and desperate salespeople giving us unsolicited advice on our own self-improvement. What if I told you that you can exceed all expectations of your own sex life, wealth and respect? The answer is your own hands. You are the secret to your own success.

I’m sure most of you reading this are looking out for a catch. When is this article going to demand money from me? The answer is now. The Braai Improvement Process (BIP) is a holistic lifeskills course aimed at physical, mental and spiritual convergence, which will change your life forever and you will be the one to change it.

Consider this success story. Seahawk was a shy, introverted middle-aged man when he was introduced to BIP. He stammered slightly and walked with a pronounced stoop. He also made very uninspiring food. After one month of attending BIP sessions, the difference was unbelievable. Today, Seahawk stands tall, has a fabulous social group, an incredible sex life and even disguises himself to avoid constant requests for autographs. What happened here?

Man needs fire and to bring it under his control. BIP believes that this is the essence of manhood. Seahawk mastered this in one week.

To eat is to be human. Seahawk became a consummate chef in under three weeks.

To be social is to be human. Seahawk has completely changed his social identity. It’s difficult to stoop and stammer when you’re in front of a gorgeous social group wearing nothing but an apron, backlit by glowing embers that highlight rivulets of sweat pouring off your glistening body. You’ll have to attend BIP for the rest of this story.

BIP has world recognised master and mistress coaches, steeped in eco-friendly wisdom and lore, ready to save you, yes you, from yourself.

The catch is, wait for it, 1000 US $! Can you believe it? Your ugly, self-repressed self gone – a brave new Adonis emerging as a phoenix from the fire for only US $ 1000! There’s more – if you sign up now, you will get a free bark apron, a gum tree fly whisk and a dream catcher made from exotic flora. All of these together are valued at US $ 300. If you want to transform the rest of your brief life on this planet, you need us. The money is not the issue – are you brave enough for the new you?

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