Thursday, June 7, 2007

BIP Inaugural Agenda Planning Committee

Hello Braaimeester

I thank you for your formal communication with regards to the formation of BIP. I have detailed a tentative agenda below for the inaugural BIP meeting at HQ2 from 17h00 and would appreciate your oversight in this regard.

BIP Inaugural Agenda
Venue: HQ2
Time: 17h06 - Mutually decided cut off point
Date: 8 June 2007

Agenda Items
  1. Welcome and Introductions - BIP CEO (Creative Execution Officer/HQ3 Braaimeester)
  2. Inauguration of the BIP Instrument (pouring of brandy onto the braai)
  3. Incantation of BIP Solemn Oath (to be devised by BIP initiates)
  4. Brotherhood/Sisterhood BIP Ritual (hence smoking the bipipe)
  5. Familial Involvement Chant ("Careful of the fire" sung to the tune Bruce Springbean's "I'm on fire")
  6. First BIP Incandescense (HQ3 Braaimeester to convene)
  7. Quality Assurance of BIP (BIP Tasters Committee - all BIP devotees)
  8. Quality Management Report (Audio-Sensual Portfolio developed - all BIP devotees)
  9. Development of Futuristic Strategic Planning Matrix (BIP future targets identified)
  10. Closure of BIP Convocation (Fire replenished to burn braai grids off - Repeat of Agenda Items 4 and 5) 
My thoughts on this agenda are that it is a little parsimonious and that it could be spiced up and marinaded.

Forwards to the task ahead,
Shorefish (made it by the way)

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