At the adenda-settling inauguration braai with 5 kinds of meat, one of which (chicken) is known to be a staple vegetable, it was duly and rightfully declared that the Braai Improvement Process (BIP) come out of public hibermarination, and into the fire of the belly of the notpublicityshy firefly, the spidergumsweb. The fabulous union between ShaythePhreckens aren'tthey! or is-he? and LittleBig Drebbn has made it to the big apple of all loinfruit, the interestweb. The plan is to put the interest back into the inertweb, but this would be a total fibulation of the truth. We want to talkbraai here. We can make a pledge.
Some highlights of the 2007 inauguration:
- Interweb bearing accounts have been set up, stocked with cashmoney overflows and jasus islandii rocked lobsters when in season.
- The second weekend in June shall forever be known as our BIPday. A nemo has been requestfully and respectfully sent to the bipmarketing-dictionary-and-calendar division; and to governments everywhere that this weekend (mentioned above) a) be allocated a single day on the calendar, and also a) to occupy 72 hours of clocktime. Neither a) should have power over any other a) mentioned in that sentence.
- It was phonetically acknowledged that though there is an iron braai, taking the i out of braai would be like taking the bottom out of the barrel. A four year old offspring with neither internet nor formal BIP training had the damnation to speak, pointing out that "I want" is childlang for "Please can i have", and so deducted that 'braai' can still be pronounced 'braa' without losing any of its South African flavour. Needless to say, that child's bum bypassed the batter and fryingpan endirect route to the butter.
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