I too have been thinking of the improvement of our braai skills. This was recently highlighted when I performed a Weber braai on Sunday evening. A certain Holtipop and his Uberlicious arrived for said braai. I decided a rosemary smoked chicken would be in order. Knowing that one of the legs of my Weber braai was decidely disabled, I handled the braai machine with extreme care. As the chicken was nearing its cooking time I lifted the lid to ascertain my prowess in "webering". Unfortunately, as I replaced the lid, the entire Weber braai turned anti-clockwise and then slowly cartwheeled to the ground, leaving two aluminium legs standing upright in what could only be described as a "fuck you" sign.
I would therefore like to formally second your notion of a braai improvement process. I feel that your suggestion of braaing in all weathers is a truly inspirational one and in fact worthy of intellectual copyright being taken out. A tentative suggestion for the snow braai would be the "Littlebig Dreb and Shayfish Braaied Alaska".
Seeing as our braaing improvement process has all the shapings of becoming a commercial venture, I feel that this Friday would be a sufficiently urgent start to our braai improvement process (hereafter BIP). However, I would like to defer to the superior braaimeester in this regard and trust that you will inform me of a mutually acceptable date that accommodates your nuclear family.
Biphug to you,
Landlubbe Seafish
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